Which detail from the story best illustrates that the narrator is feeling nervous on the first day of school? (RL1)(1 point)


"The smell is somehow a soothing one now and I will reach for it time and time again before the morning ends." (Paragraph 1)
"The smell is somehow a soothing one now and I will reach for it time and time again before the morning ends." (Paragraph 1)

"I am carrying a pencil, a pencil sharpener, and a small ten-cent tablet with a black-and-white speckled cover." (Paragraph 2)
"I am carrying a pencil, a pencil sharpener, and a small ten-cent tablet with a black-and-white speckled cover." (Paragraph 2)

"On the table beside the woman's pocketbook is a large notebook, worthy of someone in high school, and looking at me looking at the notebook, the girl places her hand possessively on it." (Paragraph 10)
"On the table beside the woman's pocketbook is a large notebook, worthy of someone in high school, and looking at me looking at the notebook, the girl places her hand possessively on it." (Paragraph 10)

"My mother looks at me, then looks away. I know almost all of her looks but this one is brand new to me." (Paragraph 17)
"My mother looks at me, then looks away. I know almost all of her looks but this one is brand new to me." (Paragraph 17)
Question 2
What is the central idea of "The First Day"? (RL2)(1 point)

The narrator remembers feeling confident and proud as she begins her first day of school.
The narrator remembers feeling confident and proud as she begins her first day of school.

The narrator expresses gratitude to leave her community and family on her first day of school.
The narrator expresses gratitude to leave her community and family on her first day of school.

The narrator's teacher demonstrates warmth and kindness to reassure her on her first day of school.
The narrator's teacher demonstrates warmth and kindness to reassure her on her first day of school.

The narrator's mother feels apprehensive and protective as she takes her daughter to her first day of school.
The narrator's mother feels apprehensive and protective as she takes her daughter to her first day of school.
Question 3
How does the conversation in paragraphs 4-7 affect the narrator's mother? (RL3)(1 point)

It causes her mother to feel discouraged and hopeless about her daughter's education.
It causes her mother to feel discouraged and hopeless about her daughter's education.

It causes her mother to feel disappointed but determined to help her daughter start school.
It causes her mother to feel disappointed but determined to help her daughter start school.

It causes her mother to feel enraged about the rules that keep her daughter from attending school.
It causes her mother to feel enraged about the rules that keep her daughter from attending school.

It causes her mother to feel disillusioned about the women who teach at the school across from her church.

It causes her mother to feel disillusioned about the women who teach at the school across from her church.

Which detail from the story best illustrates that the narrator is feeling nervous on the first day of school? (RL1)(1 point)


"The smell is somehow a soothing one now and I will reach for it time and time again before the morning ends." (Paragraph 1)
"The smell is somehow a soothing one now and I will reach for it time and time again before the morning ends." (Paragraph 1)

"I am carrying a pencil, a pencil sharpener, and a small ten-cent tablet with a black-and-white speckled cover." (Paragraph 2)
"I am carrying a pencil, a pencil sharpener, and a small ten-cent tablet with a black-and-white speckled cover." (Paragraph 2)

"On the table beside the woman's pocketbook is a large notebook, worthy of someone in high school, and looking at me looking at the notebook, the girl places her hand possessively on it." (Paragraph 10)
"On the table beside the woman's pocketbook is a large notebook, worthy of someone in high school, and looking at me looking at the notebook, the girl places her hand possessively on it." (Paragraph 10)

"My mother looks at me, then looks away. I know almost all of her looks but this one is brand new to me." (Paragraph 17)

"My mother looks at me, then looks away. I know almost all of her looks but this one is brand new to me." (Paragraph 17)

What is the central idea of "The First Day"? (RL2)(1 point)


The narrator remembers feeling confident and proud as she begins her first day of school.
The narrator remembers feeling confident and proud as she begins her first day of school.

The narrator expresses gratitude to leave her community and family on her first day of school.
The narrator expresses gratitude to leave her community and family on her first day of school.

The narrator's teacher demonstrates warmth and kindness to reassure her on her first day of school.
The narrator's teacher demonstrates warmth and kindness to reassure her on her first day of school.

The narrator's mother feels apprehensive and protective as she takes her daughter to her first day of school.
The narrator's mother feels apprehensive and protective as she takes her daughter to her first day of school.

The narrator's mother feels apprehensive and protective as she takes her daughter to her first day of school.

It causes her mother to feel disillusioned about the women who teach at the school across from her church.

To determine which detail from the story best illustrates that the narrator is feeling nervous on the first day of school (Question 1), we need to analyze the given options:

1. "The smell is somehow a soothing one now and I will reach for it time and time again before the morning ends." (Paragraph 1)
2. "I am carrying a pencil, a pencil sharpener, and a small ten-cent tablet with a black-and-white speckled cover." (Paragraph 2)
3. "On the table