Mrs. Wade (who is always right, just ask her), is caring for her son's prize tomato plants while he attends a Tomatologist Conference.

She brings them into the house due to a pending ice storm and places them in a dark room. She provides plenty of water and soil nutrients, but does not turn on the lights to conserve energy.

Which of the following is most likely to occur first?

Without light, the plants will not be able to perform the process of photosynthesis, which is crucial for their growth and energy production. Therefore, the most likely occurrence would be that the plants will start to show signs of wilting or yellowing due to the lack of light.

Based on the given scenario, the most likely event to occur first would be the tomato plants beginning to show signs of stress or wilting. This is because the plants are placed in a dark room without any light. Without access to light, the plants will not be able to undergo photosynthesis, which is crucial for their growth and survival. As a result, the plants will likely start to exhibit signs of stress or wilting as they are deprived of the energy they need from sunlight.