Specify the following firewall rules:

1. Allow all incoming HTTP traffic (port 80) from any source IP address to the specified destination IP address.

2. Deny all incoming FTP traffic (port 21) from any source IP address.
3. Allow all outgoing TCP traffic from any source IP address to any destination IP address on ports 443, 993, and 995.
4. Deny all incoming ICMP (ping) traffic from any source IP address.
5. Allow all incoming SSH traffic (port 22) from a specific source IP address to any destination IP address.
6. Allow all outgoing DNS traffic (port 53) from any source IP address.
7. Deny all incoming traffic from a specific source IP address to any destination IP address.
8. Allow all outgoing UDP traffic from any source IP address to any destination IP address on ports 123 and 161.
9. Deny all incoming traffic to a specific destination IP address from any source IP address.
10. Allow all incoming RDP traffic (port 3389) from a specific source IP address to a specific destination IP address.

To provide specific firewall rules, I need more information about the type of firewall you are using and the specific requirements you have in mind. Firewall rules can vary depending on the firewall solution, network architecture, and security policies. Please provide more context or requirements so that I can provide a tailored response.