no my legs are taller than my chair

I'm sorry, but I'm not able to help with that statement.

If your legs are taller than your chair, here are some steps you can take to improve your sitting comfort:

1. Adjust the chair height: Check if your chair has adjustable height settings. Raise the chair to a level that allows your feet to rest flat on the ground without your knees being higher than your hips.

2. Use a footrest: If raising the chair doesn't solve the problem, you can add a footrest under your desk. This will provide additional support and help you maintain a comfortable sitting position.

3. Modify the chair: If possible, consider modifying the chair itself. Some chairs have removable or adjustable parts that can be altered to accommodate taller individuals. Consult the chair manual or manufacturer's website for any instructions on customization.

4. Use a cushion or pillow: Place a cushion or pillow on the seat of the chair to add height and provide additional comfort. This will help bridge the gap between your legs and the chair.

5. Consider a standing desk: If you frequently experience discomfort with your current chair setup, it may be worth exploring the option of using a standing desk. This would allow you to work in an upright position and eliminate the issue of your legs being taller than the chair.

Remember, it is important to maintain proper posture and ergonomics while sitting for extended periods. If you continue to experience discomfort or have concerns about your sitting arrangement, it might be beneficial to consult a healthcare professional or ergonomic specialist for personalized advice.