Using your resources, determine which is faster between GB and MB.

How much faster?

In terms of data transfer rate, GB (gigabyte) is faster than MB (megabyte).

1 GB is equal to 1000 MB.

So, 1 GB is 1000 times faster than 1 MB.

Gigabyte (GB) and Megabyte (MB) are units of digital storage capacity. The prefix "giga" represents a factor of 1 billion (10^9), while the prefix "mega" represents a factor of 1 million (10^6).

In terms of storage capacity, 1 GB is equal to 1,000 MB. Therefore, GB is larger and faster than MB.

To determine how much faster GB is compared to MB in terms of storage capacity, we can calculate the ratio between them.

1 GB / 1 MB = 1,000 MB / 1 MB = 1,000.

This means that 1 GB is 1,000 times larger and faster than 1 MB.

In summary, GB is faster than MB, with a speed ratio of 1,000:1.