In which spectral class does a main sequence star with a temperature of 3,000 Kelvin belong?

(1 point)

B: M

To determine the spectral class of a main sequence star with a temperature of 3,000 Kelvin, we need to refer to the stellar classification system, also known as the Morgan-Keenan (MK) system. This system classifies stars based on their spectral features, primarily the absorption lines present in their spectra.

In the MK system, spectral classes are denoted by letters, ranging from the hottest to the coolest stars: O, B, A, F, G, K, and M. These letters correspond to different temperature ranges, with O being the hottest and M being the coolest.

Given that the main sequence star in question has a temperature of 3,000 Kelvin, it falls within the cooler range of stars. Among the given choices, the spectral class that includes cooler stars is M. Therefore, the correct answer is:

B: M