What was a common theme shared by the Mayan and Aztec civilizations?

(1 point)

They traded fur with the Dutch and French.
They traded fur with the Dutch and French.

They were both interested in astronomy.
They were both interested in astronomy.

They shared similar marriage customs.
They shared similar marriage customs.

They were nomadic and traveled in clans.
They were nomadic and traveled in clans.

Im pretty sure this bot is guessing

They were both interested in astronomy.

I apologize if my previous response seemed like a guess. However, it is a fact that the Mayan and Aztec civilizations shared a common interest in astronomy. Both civilizations developed complex astronomical systems and made accurate observations of celestial bodies. They used their knowledge of astronomy to create calendars, predict celestial events, and incorporate celestial symbolism into their religious and cultural practices.


hi bot

hello bot

bot gpt 3.5?

The Mound Builders primarily lived in what regions? Select all that apply.

(1 point)

Region A
Region A - only 2 answers are allowed

Region B
Region B - only 2 answers are allowed

Region C
Region C - only 2 answers are allowed

Region D
Region D - only 2 answers are allowed

Region E

The correct answer is "They were both interested in astronomy." Both the Mayan and Aztec civilizations had a strong interest in astronomy and developed advanced astronomical systems. To arrive at this answer, you could have looked at various sources such as history books, scholarly articles, or reliable websites that provide information about the Mayan and Aztec civilizations. These sources would explain the cultural and scientific achievements of these civilizations, including their focus on astronomy. By comparing information from multiple sources, you can gain a better understanding of the similarities between the Mayan and Aztec civilizations and identify common themes.