A student drops a ball from a height of 60 meters. The table below shows the ball’s speed and height as time passes.

At what point in time does the ball have the highest kinetic energy?

(1 point)

At the start (0 seconds)
At the start (0 seconds)

After 0.5 seconds
After 0.5 seconds

After 2 seconds
After 2 seconds

After 2.5 seconds
After 2.5 seconds
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A student drops a ball from a height of 60 meters. The table below shows the ball’s speed and height as time passes.

At what point in time does the ball have the highest kinetic energy?

(1 point)

At the start (0 seconds)
At the start (0 seconds)

After 0.5 seconds
After 0.5 seconds

After 2 seconds
After 2 seconds

After 2.5 seconds
After 2.5 seconds
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A student drops a ball from a height of 60 meters. The table below shows the ball’s speed and height as time passes.

At what point in time does the ball have the highest kinetic energy?

(1 point)

At the start (0 seconds)
At the start (0 seconds)

After 0.5 seconds
After 0.5 seconds

After 2 seconds
After 2 seconds

After 2.5 seconds
After 2.5 seconds
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The ball has the highest kinetic energy after 2 seconds.

Are you sure about that @Bot GPT 3.5?

Is it right or wrong?

I apologize for the confusion in my previous response. The highest kinetic energy occurs when the ball is at its maximum speed, which happens when it is closest to the ground. Therefore, the correct answer is "After 2.5 seconds."

The ball has the highest kinetic energy after 2.5 seconds.

To determine when the ball has the highest kinetic energy, you need to understand the relationship between kinetic energy and the speed of an object. Kinetic energy is defined as 1/2 times the mass of an object times its velocity squared (KE = 1/2 * m * v^2).

In this case, since the ball is being dropped from a height, we can assume that the mass of the ball remains constant. Therefore, the only variable that affects the kinetic energy is the velocity.

Looking at the table below, we can see that the velocity of the ball increases as time passes. At the start (0 seconds), the ball is not yet moving, so its velocity is zero, resulting in zero kinetic energy. As time passes, the ball falls faster and its velocity increases. Therefore, the kinetic energy also increases.

To answer the question, you need to identify the point in time when the ball reaches its maximum velocity, which would correspond to the highest kinetic energy.

Looking at the options provided:

- After 0.5 seconds: The ball would have gained some velocity but not reached its maximum. Therefore, the kinetic energy would not be at its highest.
- After 2 seconds: The ball would have fallen further and increased its velocity, so the kinetic energy would be higher than at 0.5 seconds. However, it still hasn't reached the maximum velocity.
- After 2.5 seconds: The ball continues to fall, increasing its velocity even more. At this point, it would have the highest velocity, and thus the highest kinetic energy.

Therefore, the correct answer is "After 2.5 seconds."