Solve in the correct order

b. 4^3/-4 +

a. 8 + 5 x 2

b. -8 - 9 x (-8)/1

a. 0/-10 - 0

b. -3 - 5^2/7

To solve the expressions in the correct order, we will follow the order of operations (also known as PEMDAS/BODMAS):

a. 8 + 5 x 2
First, we perform the multiplication: 5 x 2 = 10
Then, we perform the addition: 8 + 10 = 18

b. 4^3/-4
First, we evaluate the exponent: 4^3 = 4 x 4 x 4 = 64
Then, we divide 64 by -4: 64/-4 = -16

b. -8 - 9 x (-8)/1
Inside the parentheses, we evaluate the multiplication: -8 x (-8) = 64
Then, we perform the division: 64/1 = 64
Finally, we perform the subtraction: -8 - 64 = -72

a. 0/-10 - 0
The division of 0 by any number is always 0.
Therefore, 0 divided by -10 is 0.
Then, we subtract 0 from 0: 0 - 0 = 0

b. -3 - 5^2/7
First, we evaluate the exponent: 5^2 = 5 x 5 = 25
Then, we perform the division: 25/7 = 3.5714 (rounded to 4 decimal places)
Finally, we subtract 3.5714 from -3: -3 - 3.5714 = -6.5714 (rounded to 4 decimal places)

To solve these expressions in the correct order, we need to follow the order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS), which stands for Parentheses/Brackets, Exponents/Orders, Multiplication/Division, and Addition/Subtraction.

Let's solve these expressions step by step:

a. 8 + 5 x 2:
First, perform the multiplication:
8 + 10 = 18.

b. 4^3 / -4:
First, calculate the exponent:
4^3 = 4 × 4 × 4 = 64.
Then, perform division:
64 / -4 = -16.

b. -8 - 9 x (-8) / 1:
First, calculate the multiplication within parentheses:
-8 - 9 x (-8) = -8 - (-72) = -8 + 72 = 64.
Then, perform division:
64 / 1 = 64.

a. 0 / -10 - 0:
First, perform the division:
0 / -10 = 0.
Then, perform subtraction:
0 - 0 = 0.

b. -3 - 5^2 / 7:
First, calculate the exponent:
5^2 = 5 × 5 = 25.
Then, perform division:
-3 - 25 / 7 = -3 - 3.57 (rounded to two decimal places) = -6.57 (rounded to two decimal places).

In the correct order, the solutions are:

a. 8 + 5 x 2 = 18
b. 4^3 / -4 = -16
b. -8 - 9 x (-8) / 1 = 64
a. 0 / -10 - 0 = 0
b. -3 - 5^2 / 7 = -6.57 (rounded to two decimal places)