What was a common theme shared by the Mayan and Aztec civilization

One common theme shared by the Mayan and Aztec civilizations was their belief in and worship of a pantheon of gods and goddesses. Both civilizations believed in a hierarchical system of gods, with certain gods being more powerful and important than others. They built elaborate temples and performed rituals and sacrifices to honor these deities. Additionally, both civilizations believed in the concept of cosmic cycles and the importance of time, which influenced their calendar systems and astronomical observations.

A common theme shared by the Mayan and Aztec civilizations was their religious beliefs and practices. Both civilizations had complex polytheistic belief systems and attributed great importance to their deities. They built grand temples and performed elaborate rituals and sacrifices to honor their gods. The Mayans and Aztecs also believed in the concept of cyclical time and had elaborate calendars to track celestial movements and astrological events. Additionally, both civilizations believed in the existence of an afterlife and practiced ancestor worship.