

To subtract 81.725 from 90.897, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Align the decimals:
- 81.725

Step 2: Subtract the numbers from right to left:
90.897 (the first digit after the decimal point is 7, borrow 1 from the 9)
- 81.725
9.97 (7 - 5 = 2, 9 - 2 = 7)

Step 3: Bring down the remaining digits:
- 81.725

Step 4: Subtract the next digit:
9.9 (7 - 2 = 5, there are no more digits after the decimal point)

Therefore, 90.897 − 81.725 equals 9.9.

To get the answer to the subtraction problem 90.897 - 81.725, you need to subtract the second number (81.725) from the first number (90.897). Here's how you can do it:

1. Align the decimal points of both numbers.
- 81.725

2. Subtract the numbers in each place value from right to left.
Starting from the rightmost column:
7 - 5 = 2
9 - 2 = 7
0 - 1 = -1 (borrow 1 from the tens column)
8 - 8 (after borrowing) = 0
9 - 7 = 2

3. Write down the resulting digits.

The answer is 9.172.

Therefore, 90.897 - 81.725 = 9.172.