What does temperature measure?(1 point)


the empty space between the particles
the empty space between the particles

the average kinetic energy of the particles
the average kinetic energy of the particles

the heat of the particles
the heat of the particles

the total energy of the particles

the average kinetic energy of the particles

Which is the best interpretation of the two flat portions of the graph?

(1 point)

These show where kinetic energy is increasing.
These show where kinetic energy is increasing.

These show where thermal energy does not exist.
These show where thermal energy does not exist.

These show where changes of state are occurring.
These show where changes of state are occurring.

These show where temperature is 0ºC.

These show where changes of state are occurring.

The correct answer is: the average kinetic energy of the particles.

The correct answer is: the average kinetic energy of the particles.

Temperature is a measure of how hot or cold something is. It specifically measures the average kinetic energy of the particles in a substance. Kinetic energy refers to the energy of motion. In simple terms, temperature tells us how fast the particles are moving on average. When the particles have higher kinetic energy, they move faster, resulting in a higher temperature. Conversely, when the particles have lower kinetic energy, they move slower, leading to a lower temperature.

To determine temperature, scientists typically use thermometers. These devices work by measuring the change in some physical property of a substance, such as volume or electrical resistance, that is directly related to temperature. This allows us to obtain an accurate measurement of the average kinetic energy of the particles, and thus determine the temperature.