The average of 5girls is 12years 4months the average of the first four is 12years 3months what is the age of the age of the fifth girl

To find the age of the fifth girl, we need to find the total sum of all the girls' ages and then subtract the sum of the ages of the first four girls.

The average of 5 girls is 12 years 4 months, which can be written as 12.33 years.

So, the total sum of the ages of all 5 girls would be 5 * 12.33 = 61.65 years.

The average of the first four girls is 12 years 3 months, which can be written as 12.25 years.

So, the sum of the ages of the first four girls would be 4 * 12.25 = 49 years.

To find the age of the fifth girl, we need to subtract the sum of the ages of the first four girls from the total sum of all 5 girls' ages:

61.65 - 49 = 12.65 years.

The age of the fifth girl is 12 years and 8 months.

To find the age of the fifth girl, we can start by finding the total age of the group of 5 girls.

Given that the average of the 5 girls is 12 years 4 months, we can convert this average into months.
12 years = 12 * 12 = 144 months
4 months = 4

So, the total age of the 5 girls is 144 months + 4 months = 148 months.

Now let's find the total age of the first four girls.
Given that the average of the first four girls is 12 years 3 months, we can convert this average into months.
12 years = 12 * 12 = 144 months
3 months = 3

So, the total age of the first four girls is 144 months + 3 months = 147 months.

To find the age of the fifth girl, we subtract the total age of the first four girls from the total age of the group of 5 girls.
148 months - 147 months = 1 month

Therefore, the age of the fifth girl is 1 month.