Which of these were reasons for Columbus first voyage from Spain select all it apply to find precious metals such as gold to use see if the world was flat and round to find a table to the world to find an easier route

The reasons for Columbus' first voyage from Spain were to find precious metals such as gold, to find a trade route to Asia, and to prove that the world was round.

The reasons for Columbus' first voyage from Spain were:

1. To find precious metals such as gold: Yes, Columbus was motivated by the desire to find wealth and precious metals. He believed that he could reach Asia by sailing westward and gain access to valuable resources.

2. To discover if the world was flat and round: No, this is a misconception. By Columbus' time, most educated people already knew that the Earth was round.

3. To find a trade route to the East Indies: Yes, Columbus was searching for an alternate and easier trade route to the East Indies (present-day Indonesia and surrounding regions). The existing land routes to the East were long and dangerous, so he hoped to find a shorter sea route.

So, the correct answers would be 1 and 3.