Use the number line to answer the question.

Which segment is congruent to segment line segment G J?
(1 point)

line segment H L
Image with alt text: line segment H L

line segment M O
Image with alt text: line segment M O

line segment K N
Image with alt text: line segment K N

line segment I M

The answer is line segment I M.

To determine which segment is congruent to segments GJ, let's look at the number line and compare the lengths of each segment.

First, locate point G and point J on the number line.

Next, compare the lengths of the different segments:

- Line segment HL: Determine the length of HL by counting the number of units from H to L.
- Line segment MO: Determine the length of MO by counting the number of units from M to O.
- Line segment KN: Determine the length of KN by counting the number of units from K to N.
- Line segment IM: Determine the length of IM by counting the number of units from I to M.

Compare the lengths of each segment to the length of segment GJ. The segment that has the same length as segment GJ is the congruent segment.