How did the Treaty of Granada affect the Mudéjars living in Spain?(1 point)


They were forced to wear specific symbols on their clothing.
They were forced to wear specific symbols on their clothing.

They were expelled from Spain altogether.
They were expelled from Spain altogether.

They were allowed to worship freely as Muslims.
They were allowed to worship freely as Muslims.

They were required to fight in the Spanish army.

They were required to fight in the Spanish army.

The Treaty of Granada affected the Mudéjars living in Spain by:

- They were forced to wear specific symbols on their clothing.
- They were expelled from Spain altogether.
- They were required to fight in the Spanish army.

However, it is important to note that these responses are not exhaustive, and there may have been additional effects of the Treaty of Granada on the Mudéjars.

The Treaty of Granada, signed in 1491 in the city of Granada, marked the end of the Muslim presence in Spain and the transition of power from the Muslim-ruled Kingdom of Granada to the Catholic Monarchs Ferdinand and Isabella. With regards to the Mudéjars, who were Muslims living under Christian rule in Spain, the treaty had significant consequences.

The correct answer is option 2: They were expelled from Spain altogether.

To arrive at this answer, you can consider the historical context during which the Treaty of Granada was signed. The treaty marked the end of the Reconquista, a centuries-long period during which Christian kingdoms in the Iberian Peninsula gradually pushed back Muslim rule. The treaty aimed to regulate the rights and treatment of the Mudéjars living in Granada under Christian rule.

However, contrary to option 3 (They were allowed to worship freely as Muslims), the treaty did not grant religious freedom to the Mudéjars. In fact, they were given a choice: to convert to Christianity or leave Spain. Many Mudéjars chose to convert, while others, who were not willing to abandon their faith, decided to leave the country.

Therefore, option 1 (They were forced to wear specific symbols on their clothing) does not accurately reflect the impact of the treaty on the Mudéjars. While it is true that, in other periods of Spanish history, specific symbols or clothing regulations were imposed on different religious groups, this particular requirement was not a direct result of the Treaty of Granada.

Lastly, option 4 (They were required to fight in the Spanish army) does not align with the consequences of the treaty either. The expulsion of the Mudéjars was the main outcome, rather than compulsory enlistment in the Spanish army.

In summary, the Treaty of Granada led to the expulsion of the Mudéjars from Spain, rather than any of the other options given.