Identify which condition is necessary for a number to be rational the number system rational and irrational numbers quick check

Estimate the value of 6×2–√. Which of the following choices is the best estimate?(1 point)


A. 9.8
B. 8.4
C. 6.4
D. 7.1

thanks to u i have a bad grade now


The condition necessary for a number to be rational is that it can be expressed as a fraction of two integers.


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Identify which condition is necessary for a number to be rational.(1 point)


A. It must not be negative.
B. It must not be an endless decimal.
C. It must be written as a fraction.
D. It must be able to be expressed as an integer divided by a nonzero integer.

The correct answer is C. It must be written as a fraction. A rational number can be expressed as a fraction of two integers, where the denominator is not zero.

Which of the following is irrational?

A. 52.781654292
B. 3.6363636363636363...
C. 3√4
Start Fraction Start Root 3 End Root over 4 End Fraction
D. −7837

The irrational number among the choices is B. 3.6363636363636363..., since it contains a repeating decimal pattern without terminating.