Eliana is playing a card game with her cousins. At the start of this turn, she had −12 points in the game. On this turn, she gets 7 points. Write an expression that shows how to find her current score.

18 + 12 = 30

In the context of the problem, the sum of 18 + 12 (which is 30) represents the total amount of the cinnamon and sugar mixture that Micah will use to sprinkle on the toast.

icah is making a cinnamon and sugar mixture to sprinkle on toast. His recipe uses 18 cup of cinnamon and 12 cup of sugar. Find 18+12 and interpret this sum in the context of the problem.(1 point)

cup. This is the total amount of cinnamon sugar the recipe makes

Apologies for the mistake in my previous response. You are correct.

18 + 12 = 30

In the context of the problem, the sum of 18 + 12 (which is 30) represents the total amount of the cinnamon and sugar mixture that Micah's recipe makes.

Solve the following problem:

It was −3°C this morning, but the temperature has gone up 13° over the course of the day. What is the temperature now?

To find the current temperature, we need to add the change in temperature (13°) to the initial temperature (-3°C).

-3 + 13 = 10

Therefore, the current temperature is 10°C.

Solve the following problem:

Samuel has $58.23 in his bank account. He withdraws $39.78. How much is in his bank account now?

To find the amount in Samuel's bank account now, we need to subtract the amount he withdrew ($39.78) from the initial amount in his account ($58.23).

$58.23 - $39.78 = $18.45

Therefore, there is $18.45 in Samuel's bank account now.


You're welcome! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

Zuri earned $56.80 at his job last week. They then spent $40 on a video game. 56.80+(−40)=16.80. Interpret this sum in the context of the problem.(1 point)


$16.80 is the amount Zuri has left from their earnings last week after purchasing the video game.
$16.80 is the amount Zuri has left from their earnings last week after purchasing the video game.

$16.80 is how much Zuri gets paid per hour.
$16.80 is how much Zuri gets paid per hour.

$16.80 is how much more Zuri needs to purchase another video game.
$16.80 is how much more Zuri needs to purchase another video game.

16.8 is the number of hours Zuri works each week.