Jennifer is covering the outside of a box with paper. A net of the box is shown. 10 in. 2 inch 10 inch 4 inch 2 inch 2 inch 2inch. Exactly how much paper does Jennifer need to cover the box

To calculate the amount of paper needed to cover the box, we need to determine the area of each face of the box and then add them together.

The dimensions of the net given are: 10 in, 2 in, 10 in, 4 in, 2 in, 2 in, 2 in.

Starting with the base of the box, the area is length * width = 10 in * 10 in = 100 in^2.

Next, we calculate the area of the two sides of the box. Each side has dimensions 10 in, 4 in, so each side has an area of 10 in * 4 in = 40 in^2. Since there are two sides, the total area for the two sides is 2 * 40 in^2 = 80 in^2.

Moving to the ends of the box, each end has dimensions 10 in, 2 in, so each end has an area of 10 in * 2 in = 20 in^2. Since there are two ends, the total area for the two ends is 2 * 20 in^2 = 40 in^2.

Finally, we have the top and bottom of the box, which each have dimensions 4 in, 2 in. So each top/bottom face has an area of 4 in * 2 in = 8 in^2. Since there are two top/bottom faces, the total area for the two top/bottom faces is 2 * 8 in^2 = 16 in^2.

Adding up the area of each face, we have 100 in^2 (base) + 80 in^2 (sides) + 40 in^2 (ends) + 16 in^2 (top/bottom) = 236 in^2.

Therefore, Jennifer needs 236 in^2 of paper to cover the box.

To calculate the total amount of paper needed to cover the box, we need to find the surface area of all sides of the box and add them together.

We have the following dimensions for the net of the box:
- Side 1: 10 in. x 2 in. = 20 square inches
- Side 2: 10 in. x 4 in. = 40 square inches
- Side 3: 2 in. x 2 in. = 4 square inches (Since it appears twice, we can count it as 2 x 4 = 8 square inches)
- Side 4: 2 in. x 2 in. = 4 square inches (Since it appears twice, we can also count it as 2 x 4 = 8 square inches)
- Side 5: 2 in. x 10 in. = 20 square inches

Now, we can add up all the sides to find the total paper needed:
20 + 40 + 8 + 8 + 20 = 96 square inches

Therefore, Jennifer needs 96 square inches of paper to cover the box.