Ethan lives 2 5/12 miles from school marquis lives 7/12 mile closer to school than Ethan. How far does marquis live from school?

Ethan lives 2 5/12 miles from school which is equal to 29/12 miles.

Marquis lives 7/12 mile closer to school than Ethan, so Marquis lives 29/12 - 7/12 = 22/12 or 1 10/12 miles from school. Answer: \boxed{1 \frac{10}{12}}.

To find out how far Marquis lives from school, we need to determine the difference in distance between Ethan and Marquis.

Given that Ethan lives 2 5/12 miles from school, and Marquis lives 7/12 mile closer to school than Ethan, we can calculate the distance for Marquis.

The difference in distance between Ethan and Marquis is:
2 5/12 - 7/12

To subtract these mixed numbers with fractions, we need to have a common denominator. In this case, the denominators are already the same (12).

Next, we subtract the whole numbers (2 - 0) and subtract the fractions:
5/12 - 7/12 = -2/12 or -1/6

So, Marquis lives -1/6 miles from school. However, if we assume that distance cannot be negative, we can convert -1/6 to a positive fraction by rephrasing it as an addition problem using the absolute value:

| -1/6 | = 1/6

Therefore, Marquis lives 1/6 mile from the school.