Enter your answer and show all the steps that you use to solve this problem in the space provided. Combine like terms. What is a simpler form of the expression?


To simplify the expression -3(-4y+3)+7y, we can start by distributing the -3 to the terms inside the parentheses:

-3 * -4y + (-3) * 3 + 7y

This simplifies to:

12y - 9 + 7y

Next, we can combine the like terms by adding the coefficients of the y terms:

12y + 7y - 9

This can be further simplified by combining the y terms:

19y - 9

So, the simplified form of the expression -3(-4y+3)+7y is 19y - 9.

To combine like terms, we need to distribute the -3 to both terms inside the parentheses:

-3 x -4y = 12y
-3 x 3 = -9

So, the expression -3(-4y+3) can be simplified to:

12y - 9 + 7y

Now, we can combine the like terms:

12y + 7y - 9

Adding the y terms:

(12y + 7y) - 9 = 19y - 9

Therefore, a simpler form of the expression -3(-4y+3)+7y is 19y - 9.