Egypt and Mesopotamia Quick Check

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Use the table to answer the following question:
Timeline Civilization
10,000 BCE to 2750 BCE Early villages and Sumerian Empire
2234–2154 BCE Akkadian Empire
2100–2004 BCE Ur-Namma
1792–1750 BCE
1595–1395 BCE The Hittites
1365–626 BCE The Assyrians
722–705 BCE Sargon II
626–539 BCE Neo-Babylonian Empire
539–651 AD Persian Empire/Alexander the Great/moreTo construct an accurate timeline that shows the major civilizations in Mesopotamia during ancient times, which key civilization is missing?(1 point)





The key civilization that is missing from the timeline is Babylonia.

Describe the intent of written law codes, such as Hammurabi’s Code.(1 point)

The key civilization that is missing in the timeline of major civilizations in Mesopotamia during ancient times is Babylonia.

To construct an accurate timeline that shows the major civilizations in Mesopotamia during ancient times, you need to identify the key civilization that is missing. By examining the provided table, you can see that the missing key civilization is Babylonia. The timeline mentions the Neo-Babylonian Empire, which existed from 626 to 539 BCE. Therefore, the correct answer is "Babylonia."

The intent of written law codes, such as Hammurabi's Code, is to provide a set of laws and regulations that govern a society. These codes aim to establish a sense of order, uphold justice, and provide a framework for resolving disputes and maintaining social harmony. Additionally, written law codes serve as a form of social control, ensuring that individuals are aware of the consequences of their actions and have a clear understanding of the expectations and standards set by the ruling authority.