What world suggests that the baby is still alive?

One possible world that suggests the baby is still alive could be a scenario where the mother gives birth to a healthy baby, who is then immediately taken away for medical care or adoption. The mother is assured that the baby is alive and well, but is not allowed to see or have contact with the child. This world implies that the baby is still alive, but kept hidden or separated from the mother for unknown reasons.

To determine whether a world suggests that a baby is still alive, it would depend on the context and specifics of the scenario. However, some common indications that might suggest a baby is alive are:

1. Crying or other vocal sounds: A baby's cry is one of the most recognizable signs of life. If there are reports or indications of a baby crying or making other vocal sounds, it suggests the baby is alive.

2. Movement: Babies, even newborns, will typically move their limbs or body. Observing any form of movement can indicate that the baby is alive.

3. Breathing: If a baby is observed breathing, it is a strong indication of their ongoing life. The rise and fall of their chest or movement in their nostrils may imply they are alive.

4. Heartbeat: A heartbeat is a critical sign of life. If the baby's heart can be detected through medical equipment or by a trained professional, it would suggest that the baby is still alive.

5. Reflexes: Babies often exhibit various reflexive actions, such as grasping objects or rooting for a nipple. Showing these reflexes can indicate signs of life.

It is important to note that without specific details or a particular context, it is challenging to provide a definitive answer. It is always best to seek professional medical advice for accurate assessment and information regarding a baby's well-being.