Use the sentence to answer the question.

A physicist’s scientific theory is well supported.

Which logical inference can be made based on this fact?

The physicist’s experiments yielded the expected results.

The physicist believes his theory is not falsifiable.

The physicist has prior experience with research in this field.

The physicist’s reports have been peer reviewed.

The physicist's experiments yielded the expected results.

Which piece of evidence offers the best justification for why Bode’s law is considered a mathematical curiosity?

The law describes a pattern, but does not explain why the pattern occurs.

The law offers guidelines to predict the location of planets.

Ceres is an asteroid, not a planet.

Neptune and Pluto were discovered at distances outside the established pattern.

The law describes a pattern, but does not explain why the pattern occurs.

Which statement is evidence that a scientific law is a description while a scientific theory is an explanation?

Laws are rules that have been derived from repeated testing of theories.

Laws provide the physical principles of electric fields, while theories indicate how voltages will combine in a circuit.

Laws are used in reference to something that will often be true, while theories are ideas that may be well founded or may have no evidence to support them.

Laws of motion state that for any action force, there is an equal and opposite reaction force, while theories state that contact forces are due to electrostatic forces between the charged particles that make up matter.

Laws are used in reference to something that will often be true, while theories are ideas that may be well founded or may have no evidence to support them.

The correct logical inference based on the fact that a physicist's scientific theory is well supported is that the physicist's reports have been peer-reviewed.

The logical inference that can be made based on the fact that a physicist's scientific theory is well supported is that the physicist's reports have been peer reviewed.

To arrive at this inference, one should first understand that a well-supported scientific theory typically means that there is substantial evidence and peer consensus to support it. Peer review is a critical process in the scientific community, where experts assess the validity and quality of a scientist's work before it is published or accepted as credible. Therefore, if a physicist's scientific theory is well supported, it suggests that their reports have likely undergone the rigorous process of peer review.