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Combine like terms. What is a simpler form of the expression?


To simplify the expression −3(−4y+3)+7y, we will first simplify the terms inside the parentheses, then distribute the -3 to those terms.

Starting with −4y+3, we can distribute the -3 to both terms inside the parentheses.

-3 * -4y = 12y
-3 * 3 = -9

This gives us 12y - 9, which we can then add to 7y.

12y - 9 + 7y

Combining like terms, we add the coefficients of the like terms:

12y + 7y = 19y

Therefore, the simplified form of the expression −3(−4y+3)+7y is 19y.

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Evaluate the expression for the given value of the variable(s).

5a + 5b; a=−6
, b=−5

Evaluate the expression for the given value of the variable(s).

5a + 5b; a = −6, b = −5

To combine like terms in the expression −3(−4y+3)+7y, we first need to distribute the −3 to both terms inside the parentheses:

−3 × −4y = 12y
−3 × 3 = −9

After distributing, the expression becomes:

12y − 9 + 7y

Now, we can combine the like terms 12y and 7y:

12y + 7y = 19y

So, the simplified form of the expression −3(−4y+3)+7y is:

19y − 9