What number added to −70 has a sum of zero?

The number added to -70 to get a sum of zero is 70.

To determine if two quantities are opposite, we need to see if their numerical values have an equal magnitude but opposite signs. In this case, Nicolas scores 3 under par in the first round, and he scores 3 over par in the second round. Since both quantities have a magnitude of 3 and opposite signs (under and over par), we can conclude that these quantities are opposites. Therefore, the correct response is 1.

Carson has moved back 3 spaces in a game. What must be the next turn to move back to the original position?

To move back to the original position after moving back 3 spaces, Carson needs to move forward 3 spaces.

To determine if two quantities are opposite, we need to see if their numerical values have an equal magnitude but opposite signs. In this case, one town is 20 feet above sea level, and the other town is 10 feet below sea level. The magnitudes of these quantities (20 and 10) are not equal, so they are not opposites. Therefore, the correct response is 2.

Morgan has 20 points in a game. What value can be added to 20 points to get a sum of 0?

To get a sum of 0 by adding a value to 20 points, we need to add -20 points.

Nicolas plays two rounds of golf. In the first round, he scores 3 under par, and he scores 3 over par for the second round. Are these opposite quantities whose sum is 0? Respond 1 if these quantities are opposites. Respond 2 if these quantities are not opposites.

One town is 20 feet above sea level. Another town is 10 feet below sea level. Are these opposite quantities whose sum is 0? Respond 1 if these quantities are opposites. Respond 2 if these quantities are not opposites.

Which expression shows x and its opposite are 0?