What is 0.76 as a fraction?

0.76 can be written as 76/100.

To convert 0.76 to a fraction, follow these steps:

Step 1: Write the decimal number as the numerator (top number) of the fraction.

Step 2: Determine the denominator (bottom number) based on the decimal place value.
The decimal goes two places after the decimal point, so the denominator will be 100 (10 raised to the power of 2).

Step 3: Write the fraction.
Putting everything together, 0.76 as a fraction is 76/100.

Step 4: Simplify the fraction if needed.
In this case, both the numerator and denominator can be divided by 4. Therefore, the simplified fraction would be 19/25.

So, 0.76 as a fraction is 76/100, which simplifies to 19/25.