Which word phrase can you use to represent the algebraic expression 6y?

(1 point)

6 less than a number y
6 less than a number y

the sum of 6 and a number y
the sum of 6 and a number y

the product of 6 and a number y
the product of 6 and a number y

the quotient of a number y and 6

the product of 6 and a number y

Using the formula r equals d over t, where d is the distance in miles, r is the rate, and t is the time in hours, at which rate must you travel to cover 212.5 miles in 2.5 hours?

(1 point)

71 mph
71 mph

106 mph
106 mph

150 mph
150 mph

85 mph

The phrase that can represent the algebraic expression 6y is "the product of 6 and a number y."

The word phrase that represents the algebraic expression 6y is "the product of 6 and a number y".

To arrive at this answer, we need to understand that the word phrase should convey multiplication between the numbers. The phrase "the product of" indicates multiplication, and when we multiply 6 with y, we get 6y. So, "the product of 6 and a number y" best represents the algebraic expression.