fix grammar Only one case had been reported by 2006, with the vaccine coverage at 90%, as increase population immune to dis4ease decreases the notification rate.

Only one case had been reported by 2006, with vaccine coverage at 90%, as the increased population's immunity to the disease decreases the notification rate.

Who was the President of the United States on the year 1700?

There was no President of the United States in the year 1700. The office of the President was established with the ratification of the United States Constitution in 1788, and the first President, George Washington, took office in 1789.

Who set term limits?

Term limits for the President of the United States were set by the 22nd Amendment to the United States Constitution. This amendment was ratified in 1951 and established that no person can be elected to the presidency more than twice or serve as President for more than ten years.

And before that there were no term limits?

Before the ratification of the 22nd Amendment in 1951, there were no constitutional term limits for the President of the United States. However, it had been a long-standing tradition set by George Washington that Presidents would voluntarily limit themselves to two terms. Franklin D. Roosevelt was the only President to break this tradition and serve more than two terms, as he was elected to office four times (1933, 1936, 1940, and 1944). The 22nd Amendment was later passed to codify the tradition into law and ensure that no President can serve more than two terms.

How can someone be President for 10 years though?

According to the 22nd Amendment of the United States Constitution, a person can serve as President for up to 10 years if they assume the presidency in the middle of a term. Here's how it works:

If a Vice President succeeds a President who has served less than two years, they can serve two full terms of their own, totaling up to 10 years. For example, if a President resigns, dies, or is removed from office within the first two years of their term, the Vice President who succeeds them can serve the remainder of that term (less than two years) and then be elected to two full terms of their own.

If the Vice President succeeds a President who has served more than two years, the Vice President can only be elected to one additional term of their own, serving a maximum of 10 years in office.

However, please note that these scenarios are relatively rare, and historically, most Presidents have served either one or two full terms without exceeding the 8-year limit.

Has there been someone serving president for 10 years?