How much is a box of tiles for floor for RDP house

The price of a box of tiles for a floor in an RDP house can vary depending on factors such as the size of the tiles, brand, and quality. On average, the cost of a box of tiles for an RDP house floor can range from

R 150 to R 400 per square meter.

Discuss one psychological factor that may lead to substance abuse

One psychological factor that may lead to substance abuse is a lack of self-esteem or self-worth. Individuals who struggle with low self-esteem may turn to substances as a way to cope with their feelings of inadequacy or to fill an emotional void.

When someone has low self-esteem, they may feel unlovable, worthless, or incapable of achieving success. Substances like drugs or alcohol can provide temporary relief from these negative emotions by numbing the pain, providing a temporary sense of confidence or self-assurance, or helping individuals escape from their negative self-perception.

Moreover, substance abuse can also be a form of self-medication for mental health issues such as depression or anxiety, which often coexist with low self-esteem. Individuals may use substances to alleviate symptoms or to provide temporary relief from their emotional distress.

Unfortunately, using substances as a coping mechanism can be harmful and exacerbate the underlying issues. It can create a vicious cycle, where substance abuse further diminishes self-esteem and perpetuates negative self-perception, leading to more substance abuse as a means of escape.

Addressing and treating the underlying self-esteem issues through therapy, support groups, and building healthy coping mechanisms can be crucial in breaking this cycle of substance abuse and promoting a healthier sense of self-worth.

Name one intervention strategy for young people and indicate how it may prevent them from abusing substances

One intervention strategy for young people to prevent substance abuse is implementation of comprehensive school-based prevention programs.

These programs typically consist of educational initiatives that aim to provide students with information and skills necessary to make informed decisions about drug use. Some key components of this strategy may include:

1. Education on the dangers of substance abuse: Providing accurate and age-appropriate information about the risks, consequences, and negative impact of substance abuse can help young people understand the potential harm involved.

2. Building resistance skills: Teaching students effective resistance skills helps them develop the ability to say no to peer pressure. Through role-playing, discussions, and problem-solving activities, young people can develop confidence in their ability to resist temptations and make healthy choices.

3. Enhancing social and emotional skills: Helping young people develop strong social and emotional skills can improve their overall well-being and resilience, reducing the likelihood of turning to substances as a means of coping. Skills like self-awareness, stress management, communication, and decision-making can be taught and practiced in school-based programs.

4. Positive peer influence: Encouraging positive peer relationships and fostering a sense of belonging can positively influence young people's behavior. Implementing group activities, discussions, and peer support structures within the school environment can create a positive social environment where substance abuse is less likely to occur.

5. Parental involvement: Engaging parents in prevention efforts is crucial. Educating parents about substance abuse, communicating the importance of setting clear expectations and rules, and fostering open lines of communication can create a supportive home environment that discourages substance abuse.

By implementing and investing in comprehensive school-based prevention programs that address these key components, young people can be equipped with the knowledge, skills, and resources necessary to make healthy choices, resist peer pressure, and reduce the likelihood of engaging in substance abuse.

Evaluate how physical in sports can impact positively on the emotional well being of a recovering drug addict

Physical involvement in sports can have a significant positive impact on the emotional well-being of a recovering drug addict. Here are some ways in which physical activity in sports can contribute to their emotional well-being:

1. Stress Reduction: Engaging in physical activity, such as sports, releases endorphins in the brain which are natural mood enhancers. Regular exercise can help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression levels, which are common emotional challenges faced by recovering drug addicts. Physical activity provides a healthy outlet for managing emotions and channeling energy in a positive way.

2. Increased Self-Esteem: Sports allow recovering addicts to set and achieve goals, improve skills, and experience personal growth. When they witness progress and accomplishments in their physical abilities, it can positively impact their self-esteem and self-worth. This sense of achievement can be crucial in rebuilding confidence after the damaging effects of substance abuse.

3. Healthy Coping Mechanism: Engaging in sports provides an alternative and healthier coping mechanism for recovering addicts. Instead of turning to substances to deal with emotional struggles or cravings, they can channel their energy and emotions into physical activity. Sports offer a constructive way for individuals to manage stress, overcome challenges, and cope with emotional triggers.

4. Social Support and Connection: Participating in sports often involves being part of a team or a community. This provides opportunities for social connection and support, which is vital for the emotional well-being of recovering addicts. Being surrounded by individuals who share common interests and goals can foster a sense of belonging and provide a supportive network that encourages positive behavior changes.

5. Improved Mental Health: Regular physical activity has been shown to have positive effects on mental health, including reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety. Engaging in sports can help alleviate negative emotions, improve mood, and enhance overall mental well-being. Recovering addicts can experience a boost in their mental health and a more stable emotional state through regular participation in physical activities.

It is important to note that while physical activity in sports can be highly beneficial, it should be used as part of a comprehensive recovery program that includes therapy, support networks, and other necessary interventions. Each individual's journey is unique, and a tailored approach that considers their specific needs and circumstances is essential.

Suggest two ways in which communities can solve their grievances regarding drug dealing in a legal and responsible manner

To address grievances regarding drug dealing in a legal and responsible manner, communities can implement the following strategies:

1. Community Awareness and Education: Raise awareness and educate community members about the dangers and negative consequences of drug dealing. Conduct workshops, public meetings, or awareness campaigns to share information on the impact of drugs, including health risks, crime rates, and social consequences. This will help community members understand the importance of taking action and encourage them to report any suspicious activities.

2. Collaboration with Law Enforcement: Establish effective communication and collaboration with local law enforcement agencies. Encourage community members to report drug-related activities, provide them with anonymous reporting channels, and ensure that their concerns are followed up promptly. Create a safe and confidential reporting system that allows residents to share information without fear of retribution. Working together with law enforcement authorities ensures that reports are taken seriously and enables appropriate actions to be taken within the legal framework.

3. Neighborhood Watch Programs: Establish neighborhood watch programs that empower residents to actively monitor and report suspicious activities. Provide training and resources to community members, enabling them to identify signs of drug dealing and report them to the relevant authorities. By creating a network of vigilant residents, neighborhoods can deter drug dealers and create a safer community environment.

4. Engage Community Organizations and Leaders: Collaborate with local community organizations, leaders, and religious institutions to address drug dealing issues collectively. These organizations can play a crucial role in providing support, counseling, and rehabilitation services to individuals struggling with addiction. By working together, community leaders and organizations can offer alternatives to drug dealing and help individuals find positive pathways.

5. Rehabilitation and Support Services: Ensure availability and accessibility of rehabilitation and support services for individuals affected by drug addiction. Advocate for funding and resources to establish or enhance programs focused on addiction treatment, counseling, and support. By addressing the root causes of drug addiction and providing pathways to recovery, communities can help individuals transition away from drug dealing and towards a healthier lifestyle.

By implementing these strategies, communities can actively tackle drug dealing problems while respecting the legal processes and ensuring the safety and well-being of their residents. These approaches help create an environment that promotes community well-being, supports individuals struggling with addiction, and empowers community members to take responsible action.

Name three possible causes for the increases of chronic diseases such as diabetes and obesity in South Africa