Give the names of names of 8 ambassadors and the countries they are serving using table.​

| Ambassador | Country |

| John Smith | United States |
| María López | Spain |
| Pierre Dupont | France |
| Ahmed Khan | Pakistan |
| Liu Mei | China |
| Alessandro Rossi | Italy |
| Fatima Al-Salem | Saudi Arabia |
| Alejandro Vargas | Mexico |

Sure! Here is a table with the names of 8 ambassadors and the countries they are serving:

| Ambassador Name | Country |
| John Smith | USA |
| Maria García | Spain |
| Ahmed Khan | Pakistan|
| Sophie Lefebvre | France |
| Li Wei | China |
| Alessandro Rossi| Italy |
| Anna Petrovich | Russia |
| Juan Morales | Mexico |

Please note that these names are fictitious and serve only as examples. The table can be customized with real names and the corresponding countries in a similar format.