Which is one way that spring tides are different from regular tides?

They occur twice a day.
They are caused by wind.
They happen along coastal areas.
They are extra-high tides and extra-low tides.

They are extra-high tides and extra-low tides.

How do changes in wind currents affect the short-term climate in a region?

Prevailing winds can cause a milder climate with heavy rain.
Global winds can cause a longer summer.
Prevailing winds can cause heavy rains or a dry climate.
Global winds can cause a longer winter.

Prevailing winds can cause heavy rains or a dry climate.

Which factor increases as a result of increasing altitude?

air pressure
air density
size of gas molecules
space between gas molecules

The factor that increases as a result of increasing altitude is the space between gas molecules.

Which describes one event that causes an eclipse?

Earth’s rotation on its axis
shadows from clouds covering Earth
Earth’s shadow covering the moon
the gravity from the moon and Sun pulling in the same direction

Earth’s shadow covering the moon describes one event that causes an eclipse.

A person could float most easily in water that has which characteristic?

low mass
low freezing point

A person could float most easily in water that has low mass.

NASA has developed technology to create a map of Mar’s surface. Which equipment will carry this technology on Mars?

2020 rover
Orion vehicle
Parker probe
Hubble telescope