hich of the following are browsers are NOT recommended for browsing university-related web pages on Microsoft (S) and/or IOS software?

It is not clear which options are available for selection. Could you please provide the options?

The specific browsers recommended or not recommended for browsing university-related web pages may vary depending on the university and its specific requirements. However, here are some browsers that are generally not recommended for university-related web pages on Microsoft (S) and/or iOS software:

1. Internet Explorer: Internet Explorer is an outdated browser and is not recommended for browsing modern web pages due to its limited support for current web standards.

2. Microsoft Edge Legacy: The Legacy version of Microsoft Edge, which was the default browser for older versions of Windows, is also not recommended for university-related web pages as it has been replaced by the newer Microsoft Edge browser.

3. Safari (older versions): While newer versions of Safari are generally recommended for browsing on iOS devices, older versions of Safari may have compatibility issues with modern web technologies.

It's always best to check with your university's IT department or website for their recommended browsers, as their recommendations may change over time.