Which lists the students in order from the person who surveyed the fewest people to the person who surveyed the most?

Kylie, Enzo, Rehana
Enzo, Rehana, Kylie
Kylie, Rehana, Enzo
Rehana, Enzo, Kylie

Kylie, Enzo, Rehana

To list the students in order from the person who surveyed the fewest people to the person who surveyed the most, we need to examine the names in each option.

Option 1: Kylie, Enzo, Rehana
Option 2: Enzo, Rehana, Kylie
Option 3: Kylie, Rehana, Enzo
Option 4: Rehana, Enzo, Kylie

In this case, the correct answer would be Option 4: Rehana, Enzo, Kylie. Rehana surveyed the fewest people, followed by Enzo, and then Kylie, who surveyed the most people.