Reem owes her friend $15.25. Reem works after school and earns $43.78. After paying her friend back, how much money does she have?

After paying her friend back, Reem has $43.78 - $15.25 = $<<43.78-15.25=28.53>>28.53. Answer: \boxed{28.53}.

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To calculate how much money Reem has after paying her friend back, you need to subtract the amount she owes from her earnings.

Step 1: Subtract the amount she owes from her earnings: $43.78 - $15.25 = $28.53.

Therefore, Reem has $28.53 left after paying her friend back.

To find out how much money Reem has after paying her friend back, you need to subtract the amount she owes from the amount she earns.

Step 1: Subtract the amount Reem owes from the amount she earns.
$43.78 - $15.25 = $28.53

Therefore, after paying her friend back, Reem will have $28.53 left.