which of the following are reasonable answer for the product of two negatives and a positive

a. 20**
b. 10
c. -20
d. -10

Which statement about the product is true

a. The product is rational
b. The product is irrational****
c. The product is neither rational nor irrational
d. There is not enough information provided to answer the question

Which of the following cereals is the best buy?

28 oz of cereal for $4.29
32 oz of cereal for $4.59***
36 oz of cereal for $4.79
24 oz of cereal for $3.59

Which sum will be irrational

which product will be rational
17.12(line over 12) * 33--****
√3 * 9 check mark in front of 9
4* pie
- checkmark 20 * 15

Please help

In the given options,

a. 20 - This is not a reasonable answer for the product of two negatives and a positive because multiplying two negatives will always result in a positive number.

b. 10 - This is not a reasonable answer for the product of two negatives and a positive because multiplying two negatives will always result in a positive number.

c. -20 - This is a reasonable answer for the product of two negatives and a positive because multiplying two negatives will result in a positive number, and then multiplying it by a positive number will keep the result negative.

d. -10 - This is not a reasonable answer for the product of two negatives and a positive because multiplying two negatives will always result in a positive number.


Regarding the statement 5.5 * √5,

a. The product is rational - This statement is false because the product involves an irrational number (√5) and multiplying a rational number with an irrational number will always result in an irrational number.

b. The product is irrational - This statement is true because multiplying a rational number with an irrational number will always result in an irrational number.

c. The product is neither rational nor irrational - This statement is false. The product can only be rational or irrational.

d. There is not enough information provided to answer the question - This statement is false. Sufficient information is given to determine that the product is either rational or irrational.


Out of the given options for the cereals, the best buy would be:

28 oz of cereal for $4.29
32 oz of cereal for $4.59***
36 oz of cereal for $4.79
24 oz of cereal for $3.59

The best buy would be the option with the lowest cost per ounce. In this case, the best buy would be the 32 oz of cereal for $4.59.


Among the given options for the sum,

3+2 - This is a rational number because it can be expressed as the fraction 5/1.

√19+7/2 - This is an irrational number because it involves taking the square root of a non-perfect square (√19).

18/3+11/10000 - This is a rational number because it can be expressed as the fraction 18000/3000.

-6+(-3.251) - This is a rational number because it can be expressed as the fraction -6251/1000.

Therefore, the sum that will be irrational is √19+7/2.


Regarding the products,

17.12(line over 12) * 33-- - This is a rational number because it can be expressed as a fraction.

√3 * 9 - This is an irrational number because it involves taking the square root of a non-perfect square (√3).

4 * π - This is an irrational number because π is an irrational number.

-√20 * 15 - This is a rational number because it involves multiplying a negative number with the square root of a non-perfect square (√20).

For the product of two negatives and a positive, the correct answer would be d. -10. When you multiply two negatives, the result is always positive. So, the product of two negatives and a positive is -10 since -1 * -1 * 10 = 10.

For the statement 5.5⋅√5, the correct answer is b. The product is irrational. The square root of 5 is an irrational number, and when multiplied by a rational number like 5.5, the result will still be irrational.

For the best buy among the cereals, the correct answer is either 32 oz of cereal for $4.59. This option gives the most quantity (32 oz) for a slightly higher price ($4.59) compared to the other options.

For the sum that will be irrational, the correct answer is d. -6 + (-3.251). The sum of a rational number (-6) and an irrational number (-3.251) will always be irrational.

For the product that will be rational, the correct answer is a. 17.12(line over 12) * 33-. The product of two rational numbers (17.12(line over 12) and 33-) will always be rational.