Elias measured an angle he was given to be 81 degrees. He constructed a copy of this angle using a compass and straightedge. What is the measure of the copy of the angle he constructed?(1 point)

The measure of the copy of the angle Elias created is

The measure of the copy of the angle Elias created is also 81 degrees.

To construct a copy of an angle, Elias needs to follow these steps:

1. Place the point of the compass at the vertex of the given angle.
2. Adjust the compass so that its pencil intersects one of the rays of the given angle.
3. Keeping the compass at the same radius, draw an arc that intersects both rays of the angle.
4. Without adjusting the compass, move the compass point to the point where the arc intersects the other ray of the angle.
5. Draw another arc that intersects the first arc.
6. Using a straightedge, draw a line connecting the vertex of the original angle to the point where the second arc intersects the other ray of the angle.
7. The measure of the copy of the angle Elias created is the same as the measure of the original angle, which is 81 degrees.

Therefore, the measure of the copy of the angle Elias constructed is 81 degrees.