What is the circumference of the circle below in terms of pi?

A circle is shown with a segment labeled 2.2 drawn from the center to the edge of the circle.
(1 point)





The circumference of a circle can be found by multiplying the diameter of the circle by pi. However, only the length of the radius is given in the question. To find the circumference, we need to double the length of the segment labeled 2.2.

2.2 * 2 = 4.4

Therefore, the circumference of the circle is 4.4pi.

To find the circumference of a circle in terms of pi, we can use the formula C = 2πr, where C represents the circumference and r represents the radius of the circle.

In this case, the segment labeled 2.2 is the radius of the circle. To find the circumference, we can multiply the radius by 2π.

C = 2π(2.2)

C = 4.4π

Therefore, the circumference of the circle in terms of pi is 4.4π.