Why is the development of farming considered a revolution of human history?

(1 point)

Farming made it possible for people to travel greater distances because grain doesn't spoil as quickly as meat does.

Farming made it possible for people to travel greater distances because grain doesn't spoil as quickly as meat does.

Farming allowed humans to grow taller because a plant-based diet is healthier than a meat-based diet.

Farming allowed humans to grow taller because a plant-based diet is healthier than a meat-based diet.

Farming allowed humans to make tools out of better materials like stone and metal rather than out of bone.

Farming allowed humans to make tools out of better materials like stone and metal rather than out of bone.

Farming gave humans a reliable source of food, and people domesticated plants and animals to better fit their needs.

Farming gave humans a reliable source of food, and people domesticated plants and animals to better fit their needs.

Which of the following is the term for the belief that spirits fill the natural world?

(1 point)









Why did people domesticate plants?

(1 point)

They were more flavorful.

They were more flavorful.

They were a reliable food supply.

They were a reliable food supply.

They made it easier to migrate.

They made it easier to migrate.

They wanted to live in a variety of environments.

They wanted to live in a variety of environments.

They were a reliable food supply.

Which nonfiction genre involves true accounts of only past periods or events?(1 point)







Which nonfiction genre is defined as a story of real peoples’ lives told by other people?(1 point)







The correct answer is:

Farming gave humans a reliable source of food, and people domesticated plants and animals to better fit their needs.

The development of farming is considered a revolution of human history because it marked a significant shift in human society and lifestyle. Prior to farming, humans were hunter-gatherers, relying on hunting animals and gathering wild plants for their sustenance. This lifestyle required constant movement in search of food and was characterized by uncertainty and unpredictability.

The advent of farming allowed humans to settle in one place and cultivate crops and raise animals for food. This led to the establishment of permanent settlements and the development of agriculture-based societies. Farming provided a reliable and consistent food supply, which allowed populations to grow and flourish.

Moreover, the domestication of plants and animals during the farming revolution gave humans greater control over their environment and resources. They selectively bred and cultivated plants with desirable traits, creating agricultural crops that were easier to harvest, store, and consume. Similarly, animals were domesticated for various purposes, such as farming, transportation, and companionship.

The shift from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to an agricultural one had profound impacts on human society. It enabled the development of complex social structures, the specialization of labor, the accumulation of wealth, and the emergence of new technologies. It also laid the foundation for the advancements in civilization that followed, including the rise of cities, the development of writing systems, and the progress of sciences and arts.

In summary, the development of farming revolutionized human history by providing a stable food source, enabling settled living, and allowing for the domestication of plants and animals, ultimately paving the way for the growth and progress of human civilization.