what is the expanded form of 2,701

The expanded form of 2,701 is 2,000 + 700 + 1.

To find the expanded form of a number, we express each digit in terms of its place value.

The given number is 2,701.

The digit "2" is in the thousands place, so we can write it as 2,000.
The digit "7" is in the hundreds place, so we can write it as 700.
The digit "0" is in the tens place, so we don't need to include it.
The digit "1" is in the ones place, so we can write it as 1.

Therefore, the expanded form of 2,701 is 2,000 + 700 + 1, which equals 2,701.

To find the expanded form of a number, we write it as the sum of each digit multiplied by its place value.

For the number 2,701:
- The first digit, 2, is in the thousands place. So, the value of the digit in the thousands place is 2 * 1000 = 2000.
- The second digit, 7, is in the hundreds place. So, the value of the digit in the hundreds place is 7 * 100 = 700.
- The third digit, 0, is in the tens place. So, the value of the digit in the tens place is 0 * 10 = 0.
- The fourth digit, 1, is in the ones place. So, the value of the digit in the ones place is 1 * 1 = 1.

Putting it all together, the expanded form of 2,701 is:
2,000 + 700 + 0 + 1 = 2,701