How we can change binary number to two's complement ?

To change a binary number to its two's complement representation, you can use the following steps:

1. Start with the given binary number.
2. If it is a positive number (sign bit is 0), then the two's complement representation is the same as the given number.
3. If it is a negative number (sign bit is 1), flip all the bits (0 to 1 and 1 to 0) of the given number.
4. Add 1 to the flipped number to obtain the two's complement representation.

For example, let's say we want to change the binary number 10110 to its two's complement representation:

1. Start with the given binary number: 10110
2. As the sign bit is 1, we flip all the bits: 01001
3. Add 1 to the flipped number: 01010
4. The two's complement representation of 10110 is 01010.

To change a binary number to its two's complement, follow these steps:

1. Start with the original binary number.

2. If the number is positive (the left-most bit is 0), the two's complement is the same as the original binary number.

3. If the number is negative (the left-most bit is 1), invert (or flip) all the bits (change 0s to 1s and 1s to 0s) in the binary number.

4. Add 1 to the inverted binary number.

5. The resulting number is the two's complement of the original binary number.

For example, let's say we want to convert the binary number 10110 to its two's complement:

1. Start with the original binary number: 10110.

2. The left-most bit is 1, indicating a negative number.

3. Invert the bits: 01001.

4. Add 1 to the inverted number: 01010.

5. The two's complement of 10110 is 01010.