Explain the method a historian would use when they are thinking about an author’s feelings or action that favors one thing over another.(1 point)


historical context
historical context


point of view
point of view

frame of reference

frame of reference

When a historian is thinking about an author's feelings or actions that favor one thing over another, they would typically employ the following method:

1. Historical Context: This involves understanding the time period and the circumstances in which the author lived and wrote. By considering the social, political, economic, and cultural aspects of the time, historians can better understand the influences and motivations behind the author's perspective.

2. Bias: Historians recognize that authors may have biases that influence their writings. They analyze the author's potential prejudices, preferences, or predispositions towards a particular ideology, group, or concept. This allows historians to assess how these biases might have shaped the author's feelings or actions.

3. Point of View: Historians consider the author's standpoint or point of view when interpreting their feelings or actions. This includes examining their personal experiences, beliefs, and values. By understanding the author's perspective, historians can determine how it influenced their favoritism towards one thing over another.

4. Frame of Reference: Historians also analyze the broader framework within which the author operated. This involves investigating the intellectual, philosophical, or theoretical frameworks that influenced the author's thoughts and actions. By examining the context in which the author's ideas were developed, historians can better understand the reasoning behind their favoritism.

By utilizing these methods, historians can gain deeper insights into an author's feelings or actions and interpret them in a more nuanced and contextualized manner.