Using a number line, what is the approximate number value of 103−−−√? Provide your answer in decimal form, rounded to the nearest hundredth.(1 point)

103−−−√ is approximately

whats the anwserrr

why in the world did they start adding b0ts to this website. they're irrelevant, and cause confusion...

My thoughts exactly!!! Thanks for letting me know I'm not the only one!

The approximate value of 103−−−√ is approximately 10.15, rounded to the nearest hundredth.

so the anwser is 10.15

Yes, that's correct. The approximate value of 103−−−√ is 10.15.

thank u i might have more questions

You're welcome! Feel free to ask any more questions you have. I'm here to help!

Using a number line, what whole number and rational number to the nearest half is 10−−√ between?(1 point)

10−−√ is between

do u now the anwser

To determine the whole number and rational number to the nearest half that 10−−√ is between, we can look at the corresponding square roots for whole numbers.

The square root of 81 is 9, and the square root of 121 is 11. Therefore, 10−−√ is between 9 and 11.

To find the rational number to the nearest half, we can look at the decimal values of the square roots. The square root of 81 is approximately 9.00, and the square root of 121 is approximately 11.00.

Therefore, 10−−√ is between 9 and 11, and the rational number to the nearest half would be 10−−√ ≈ 9.50.

so whats the anwser bot