If two place on the ground that are located 5 degree north and 10 degree north are shown 10 cm apart on given map what is the scale of the map

To determine the scale of the map, we need to calculate the distance on the ground corresponding to the 10 cm distance on the map.

The difference in latitude between the two places is 10 degrees - 5 degrees = 5 degrees.

Using the knowledge that 1 degree of latitude is equal to approximately 111 km, we can calculate the distance between the two places:

Distance = 5 degrees * 111 km/degree = 555 km

Now, we can calculate the scale of the map:

Scale = Distance on the map / Distance on the ground
Scale = 10 cm / 555 km = 0.018 km/cm

So, the scale of the map is 0.018 km/cm.

To calculate the scale of the map, we can use the concept of angular distance and linear distance.

1. First, we need to determine the angular distance between the two given points on the ground. The difference in latitude (north) is 10 degrees - 5 degrees = 5 degrees.

2. Next, we need to convert the angular distance to linear distance. As a rough approximation, we can assume that 1 degree of latitude is equivalent to 111 km (or 111,000 meters) in distance.

So, 5 degrees of latitude would be approximately 5 degrees * 111 km/degree = 555 km (or 555,000 meters) in linear distance.

3. Now, we can calculate the scale of the map. The given linear distance on the map is 10 cm.

Therefore, the scale of the map would be: 555,000 meters / 10 cm = 55,500,000 cm/meter.

Simplifying, the scale is written as 1:55,500,000 or simply 1/55,500,000.

Hence, the scale of the map is 1/55,500,000.