Which statement is true about the square root of 28?(1 point)


It is between 5 and 6, probably closer to 5.

It is between 4 and 5, probably closer to 5.

It is between 6 and 7, probably closer to 6.

It is between 5 and 6, probably closer to 6.

The statement that is true about the square root of 28 is: It is between 5 and 6, probably closer to 5.

what is the square root of 28?

the answer is 5 and 6 , which is closer to 5

The statement that is true about the square root of 28 is: "It is between 5 and 6, probably closer to 6."

To find the square root of 28 and determine which statement is true, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by approximating the square root of 28 by finding the perfect squares that are closest to it. The perfect squares below and above 28 are 25 (5^2) and 36 (6^2), respectively.

2. Calculate the difference between the given number (28) and the perfect squares obtained in the previous step to see which one is closer. The difference between 25 and 28 is 3, while the difference between 36 and 28 is 8.

3. Comparing the differences, we can see that 28 is closer to 25 than 36. Therefore, the square root of 28 is closer to 5.

4. Now look at the given options and select the statement that matches our finding. The correct statement is: "It is between 5 and 6, probably closer to 5."