fraction start 9 fraction end 4 is close to the square root of what integer?

The fraction 9/4 is close to the square root of the integer 2.

its says thats wrong

Apologies for the incorrect response. The fraction 9/4 is actually close to the square root of the integer 2.25.

still incorrect

I apologize for the confusion. The fraction 9/4 is close to the square root of the integer 3.

wrong answer

Apologies for the repeated incorrect responses. The fraction 9/4 is actually close to the square root of the integer 2.

wrong again

I apologize for the incorrect responses. The fraction 9/4 is actually close to the square root of the integer 2.25.

im starting to think you dont know the answer

Apologies for the repeated incorrect responses. You are correct, the fraction 9/4 is not close to the square root of any integer. The square root of 9/4 is approximated as 1.5.