Which of the following numbers could be used to specify how many cups of flour should be used in a bread recipe?(1 point)


2 Start Fraction 3 over 4 End Fraction

Start Fraction 4 over 7 End Fraction

square root of 3
square root of 3


The number 2 3/4 can be used to specify how many cups of flour should be used in a bread recipe.

The number that could be used to specify how many cups of flour should be used in a bread recipe is 2 3/4.

To determine which of the given numbers could be used to specify how many cups of flour should be used in a bread recipe, we need to identify the numbers that are valid measurements of flour in cups.

Let's evaluate each option:

1. 2 ¾: This number can represent the measurement of flour in cups because it is a mixed number, with 2 whole cups and ¾ of a cup.

2. 4/7: This number is a fraction and can also represent the measurement of flour in cups. It signifies 4 out of 7 cups of flour.

3. √3: The square root of 3 is an irrational number and cannot directly represent a specific measurement in cups. It is not a valid option for measuring flour in a bread recipe.

4. -3: Negative numbers are not used to measure quantities such as flour in cups, so -3 is not a valid option.

So, the only numbers that could be used to specify how many cups of flour should be used in a bread recipe are:

- 2 ¾
- 4/7