Describe the set of numbers that are real numbers but cannot be expressed as one integer divided by another.(1 point)







Describe the set of numbers that are real numbers but cannot be expressed as one integer divided by another.(1 point)


The set of numbers that are real but cannot be expressed as one integer divided by another is called the set of irrational numbers. These numbers cannot be written as a fraction with integers in the numerator and denominator. Examples of irrational numbers include √2, π, and e.

Describe the set of numbers that are real numbers but cannot be expressed as one integer divided by another.(1 point)

what is the answer for all of them


The set of numbers that are real but cannot be expressed as one integer divided by another is called the set of irrational numbers. To understand why this is the case, we first need to understand what irrational numbers are.

Irrational numbers are any real numbers that cannot be expressed as the ratio of two integers. In other words, they cannot be written in the form a/b, where a and b are integers. Irrational numbers have non-repeating, non-terminating decimal representations.

To determine if a number is irrational, you can try expressing it as a ratio of two integers. If you can't find two integers that satisfy this condition, then the number is irrational.

Examples of irrational numbers include square roots of non-perfect squares (such as √2 or √5), pi (π), and the Euler's number (e).

So, in summary, the set of numbers that are real but cannot be expressed as one integer divided by another is the set of irrational numbers.