After analyzing how the U.S. Bill of Rights implemented Locke’s thoughts, select the U.S. amendment that supports his idea of protecting human life. (1 point)

A. Fourteenth Amendment
B. Eight Amendment
C. Second Amendment
D. Third Amendment

B. Eight Amendment

Summarize how the Declaration of Independence embodies social contract theory in action.(1 point)

A. The Declaration of Independence describes how the United States government is arranged.

B. The Declaration of Independence was the first U.S. Constitution.

C. The Declaration of Independence lists the how the monarchy protected the people.

D. The Declaration of Independence lists all of the ways that the colonists felt their liberties had been violated by the king.

D. The Declaration of Independence lists all of the ways that the colonists felt their liberties had been violated by the king.

The correct answer is B. Eighth Amendment. The Eighth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects human life by prohibiting cruel and unusual punishment. This amendment reflects John Locke's idea of protecting the right to life.

To determine which U.S. amendment supports Locke's idea of protecting human life, we need to analyze each option and understand how they align with Locke's thoughts.

John Locke, an influential philosopher, believed in the natural rights of individuals, including the right to life. He argued that governments should exist to protect these rights.

Now, let's examine the options one by one:

A. Fourteenth Amendment: The Fourteenth Amendment, ratified in 1868, primarily addresses equal protection under the law and due process. While it includes various important guarantees, such as citizenship rights, it does not specifically focus on protecting human life.

B. Eighth Amendment: The Eighth Amendment prohibits cruel and unusual punishment, as well as excessive bail and fines. While it does not directly align with Locke's idea of protecting human life, it highlights the importance of treating individuals fairly and humanely.

C. Second Amendment: The Second Amendment guarantees the right to bear arms, which may indirectly relate to protecting human life. However, it primarily focuses on the right to self-defense rather than a direct emphasis on the sanctity of human life.

D. Third Amendment: The Third Amendment prohibits the quartering of troops in private homes during peacetime. While it ensures privacy and security, it doesn't directly address the protection of human life.

Considering Locke's emphasis on protecting human life, option B, the Eighth Amendment, is the most suitable choice. This amendment, through its prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment, indirectly aligns with Locke's belief in safeguarding individuals' rights and wellbeing.