What is raised in each of the written sources? Why did they emphasize those aspects?

To provide a specific answer, I would need specific information about the written sources in question. However, in general, written sources emphasize different aspects based on their purpose, intended audience, and the context in which they were created. Some common aspects that may be emphasized in written sources include:

1. Facts and information: Many written sources focus on providing accurate information about a particular topic. They may emphasize facts, statistics, and evidence to support their claims. This is done to inform the readers and provide them with reliable information.

2. Perspectives and viewpoints: Certain written sources may emphasize different perspectives and viewpoints on a given issue. They may present contrasting arguments or highlight different interpretations to encourage critical thinking and engage readers in a dialogue.

3. Historical or cultural context: Some sources aim to provide a historical or cultural context to help readers understand the background and significance of an event or topic. They may emphasize the historical factors or cultural conditions that shaped a particular issue.

4. Analysis and interpretation: Many academic or scholarly sources emphasize analysis and interpretation to provide a deeper understanding of a subject. They might examine trends, causes, consequences, or offer explanations for certain phenomena to contribute to the existing knowledge on a topic.

5. Personal experiences and narratives: Some sources, such as memoirs or personal accounts, may emphasize individual experiences and narratives. They aim to provide a personal perspective and allow readers to connect emotionally with the subject matter.

The specific aspects emphasized in written sources will vary depending on the source type, genre, author's objectives, and intended audience.

In order to determine what is raised in each written source and why those aspects are emphasized, I would need specific details about the sources in question. Could you please provide more information or specify the written sources you are referring to? This will help me provide a more accurate and tailored response.